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Loving God thoughtfully

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These resources are free for your personal use although you can donate if you wish to help me keep them free. 

If you wish to use them with groups or in other ways or if you notice any broken links or errors, please contact me.

Holy bible detail

What is an Evangelical?

​Outlining Evangelicalism's  theological core from 1 Corinthians 15  drawing on a proposal by D.A. Carson

Nativity Scene

Is Jesus Jehovah God?

​Explaining why the deity of Jesus Christ is central to the New Testament witness and essential to the Christian faith

Railway at Night

Divine Sovereignty AND Human Responsibility

Summarising Christian views on God's sovereignty and human choice and calling for unity in what is agreed

Hut on a Hill

Exploring the Shack

​A response in light of Scripture to William P. Young's best-selling 2007 book The Shack


A Tale of a Vine

An allegory of the vine that is God's people based on various biblical passages


If Love Wins, What is Lost?

An in-depth response to Rob Bell's 2011 book Love Wins

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