Bible Teaching
Applying Scripture faithfully
These resources are free for your personal use although you can donate if you wish to help me keep them free.
If you wish to use them with groups or in other ways or if you notice any broken links or errors, please contact me.
Returning, Repenting, Rebuilding:
Studies in the Post-Exilic Old Testament Scriptures
Date: 2012 Pages: 30
Content: Studies showing how the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Zechariah and Haggai together tell the story of God's people after their return from exile in Babylon
Jesus Fulfils the Law:
A Study in Matthew 5:17-48
Date: 2008 Pages: 19
Content: An exploration of the nature of the Old Testament Law, the meaning of Jesus' statement that He came to fulfil it and its relevance to Christians today.
The Parables of Jesus
Date: 2011 Pages: 28
Content: An introduction to the parables and their interpretation followed by several worked examples